Thursday, December 31, 2009

I'm Sorry...

So here's the deal...

I know I haven't posted a blog since I moved in to the house on Critz. I know I never posted pictures of the inside. But you know what? It wasn't really worth it. I never really "nested" in that house. Once I started teaching the sophomores how to spay and neuter dogs and was on call 24/7, I didn't really care about decorating. And I say "that house" because we no longer live there. All of our things are on a truck en route to upstate New York as I type.

So here's my New Year's resolution. I will post blog entries about the trip north. I will post about trying to find a hometown. A home. And I WILL decorate it. I will tell you all what people eat in New York (I've been wondering - if they don't have fried green tomatoes or chicken and dumplings, what could they possibly eat??? If they eat lutefisk, I'm throwing in the towel and coming home.) I will tell you how I handled Nathan's deployment when it happens. After that, I don't know what I'll do. Whatever it is, though, I will blog about it.

Wish me luck! I've never been good with this resolution business.


  1. I had forgotten you even had a blog until I saw this update on my reader! Welcome back! New York?! What's taking you there? Nathan's job? What a change that will be! But I'm sure y'all will find your niche and love it. Please keep your resolution; I love hearing from you!

  2. Nathan got assigned to Ft. Drum, NY. It wasn't a first choice for either of us. Actually, it wasn't a top 10 choice for either of us. And now he's deploying in March to Afghanistan for a year.
