Monday, June 28, 2010

Household 6

Okay, I know being an Army wife doesn't make me an official member of the military. But if you think about it, in many ways (very different ways, but still...) being an Army wife is almost as hard as actually being a soldier. When a soldier deploys, he deploys with his coworkers. His wife may not know anybody at all. His wife doesn't get shot at, but she might have to juggle work, kids, a home and vehicles for two people, bills, and chores all by herself. Without a wife to support him, a soldier might have to put all his belongings in storage during a deployment and just hope that nothing goes wrong.

For all these reasons, soldiers developed an unofficial title for the Army wife - Household 6. In the Army world, a 6 is a commander of something like a platoon, company, or batallion. Since soldiers are often at work long hours or deployed, their wives by default run the household. Household 6, then, is basically the household commander.

So girls, if you ever hear your guy say something to his friends to the effect of his household 6 won't let such-and-such happen, he's talking about you! :-)

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